Последни новини от DG TAXUD към Европейската комисия
Release of revised guidelines for the Binding Tariff Information process
DG TAXUD is pleased to announce the release of the revised administrative guidelines for the Binding Tariff Information process.
Samancta relocates: What you need to know about the new website
Samancta, the SAmpling MANual for Customs and TAx authorities of the European Union has moved to a new website.
Extension of the Transition period to the Automated Export System (AES)
The Commission is pleased to announce that the committee in charge has just approved the revised Implementing Regulation on Technical Arrangements (IRTA) containing a provision enabling the extension of the transition period to the Automated Export System (AES) until 14 December 2025.
Youth Policy Dialogue with Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra
The objective of the dialogue is to enable young people to express their views on policy initiatives under the Commissioner’s portfolio.
Transition to the Automated Export System (AES)
Vote on the revised IRTA could grant Member States more time
Commission announces actions for safe and sustainable e-commerce imports
The Commission is taking action to tackle risks stemming from low-value imports sold via non-EU online retailers and marketplaces hosting non-EU traders.
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